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1. Hi! 你好!

2. Hello! 你们好!

3. Good morning/ afternoon! 早上/下午好!

4. Good morning/good afternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls! 同学们,上午/下午好!

5. How are you? 你们好吗?

6. Nice to meet/see you. 很高兴见到你们Nice to see/meet you again/It’s nice

to see you again.很高兴再次见到你们!

7. Happy Children’s Day.儿童节快乐!

8. Merry Christmas .圣诞节快乐!

9. Happy Mid-Autumn Day. 中秋快乐!

10. Happy birthday to you! 祝你生日快乐!

11. Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

12. Happy Teachers’ Day! 教师节快乐!

二、 告别用语

1. Bye.再见!

2. Goodbye/Bye-bye。再见!

3. See you!再见!

4. See you tomorrow!明天见!

5. See you on Tuesday.星期二见!

6. Have a nice weekend.周末愉快!

7. Have a nice holiday.假期愉快! 

8. Have a good time! 祝你们度过一个快乐的时光!

9. Hope to see you again.希望再次见到你们。


1. Good! ( better  best )好!(更好!最好!)

2. Right! 正确!

3. Yes! 是的!

4. Very good!非常好!

5. Great!太棒了!

6. Wonderful! 非常精彩!

7. Excellent! 很棒的!

8. Great job! 做的不错!

9. Well done! 做的好!

10. Cool! 太棒了!

11. That was great! 非常好!

12. You are great!你真棒!

13. You have done a great job.你做的非常棒。

14. He has done a good job.他做的很好!

15. You are a wonderful boy/ girl.你是个很棒的男孩/女孩。

16. You are the winner! 你是获胜者!

17. Congratulations! 祝贺你!

18. Claps 鼓掌!


1. Stop talking! 不要讲话!

2. Don’t be late again! 下次不要再迟到!

3. Don’t do that again! 不要再那么做了!

4. I’m sorry you are wrong. 很遗憾,你错了!

5. I’m sorry, but that’s wrong. 很抱歉,那时错的!



1. Class begins.上课。

2. Now let’s begin our class.上课。

3. Class is over.下课。

4. Well, that’s the end of our class.下课。

5. Be quiet! 安静!

6. Silence, please.  安静!

7. Stand up, please.  起立!

8. Sit down, please. 坐下!

9. Sit up/well. 做好!One, two, three, go/start! 一、二、三开始Ready? 准备好了吗?

10. Quickly! 快!

11. Hurry up! 赶快!

12. Too slowly! 太慢了!

13. Loudly! 高一些!

14.Look at the blackboard/your books. 看黑板/书!

15. Look at me/her/him. 看我//

16. Come to the front, please. 请到前面来。

17. Come to the blackboard, please. 到黑板这里来。

18. Go back to your seat, please. 回去。

19. Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗?

20. Understand? 明白吗?

21. Clear? 明白吗?

22. Pardon? 再说一遍好吗?

23. Can you hear me? 能听见吗?

24. Can you see it / the blackboard? 能看到它/黑板吗?

25. Listen and do the action. 听并做动作。

26. Listen and point.听并指

27. Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

28. Listen and answer the question. 听然后回答问题。

29. Listen read and spell the words. 听读并拼出这些单词

30. Listen and read twice for each word. 听并把每个词读两遍。

31. Read and write. 读并写

32. Write it on the blackboard/in your exercise book/workbook/ a piece of paper 把它写在黑板上/你们的练习本上/活动用书/一张纸上

33. Have a try. 试一试Try again, please./Once more, please. 再试一次/再来一遍。

34. Pay more attention to this, please. 请注意这一点。

35. Put up your hands/Raise your hand/Hands up. 举起手来

36. Put down your hands/ Hands down. 放下手。


1. Now please work in groups/pairs小组/同桌两人讨论

2.Talk to your partner. 跟同桌讨论

3.Tell your desk mate 告诉同桌

4Practise in a group. / Practise in groups / in groups, please.分小组讨论

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